Struggling to potty train


Any advice? My daughter is so strong willed. We have tried prizes for success, going naked, going with underwear on, going every 30min etc. She’s starting to hate the potty. She will sit on it and not go and then pee on the floor 5 minutes later. We have her sit so often that she hates it now. Daycare won’t let us send her in underwear until she’s better so she’s still in diapers there. At home we do naked or underwear so she can feel it. She runs to the corner to pee. Is she just not ready yet? She will come and tell me she’s wet after she pees, sometimes she pees in the potty all by herself without being asked. She hates diapers. Should we just back off for a bit? We tried the book that everyone suggested, i forgot what it’s called. She can do it but she’s just so defensive about sitting. We haven’t ever yelled at her for accidents and praise her for trying and going.