Round 1 of Chlomid

Kera 🩷

* made my own calander since we are in a pandemic and I didnt want to go out to get one*

4\14\2020 ; started my period 4\13\2020, I'll be starting chlomid on the 17th!

I'll be posting updates regularly about my experience, symptoms, testing, outcome.

(Just because there actually seems to be limited info about experience on here) 😊

**Update 1 - Day 1**

Took my 1st dose of chlomid last night (its recommended you take it around the same time every day. I've chosen to take it at night to also try to avoid 6-8 hours of symptoms lol)

First of all I slept 10 freaking hours and woke up still feeling tired. I woke up this morning with a dull achy headache (in the front area of my head). Its been a few hours later now and I still have the headache and now also feel kinda dizzy and nauseous on and off.

**Update - Day 2**

No more headache! kinda dizzy on and off but not as bad. A lotta fatigue though !

**Update - Days 3-5**

Were all about the same, slight headache on and off and hot flashes combined with waves of nausea . Lets not forget feeling overly emotional, lol. Now I start OV testing and then I test positive, we do the deed !

** 4-27 UPDATE **

I am still feeling symptoms of the chlomid and waiting to ovulate should be tomorrow or Wednesday though!

**5-13 UPDATE**

So first round is unsuccessful 😭😭

BUT I'll start my second round next week!

Overall, being on chlomid ... not fun. The fatigue has lasted the entire cycle, as well as on and off nausea.

🤞🤞 Hoping the next round or two works !!

Baby blessings to you all !