Head Shape?

Kristina • Baby Savannah due 12/12/19

My pediatrician noticed my Daughter prefers to sleep on one side vs the other, so only one side of her head is rounding out. I’m worried we’ll have to get a helmet because she HATES sleeping on the other, it’s a struggle :/

I was up all night repositioning her and need some advice! Has anyone experienced this? Will it start to round out quickly or is it a long process?

Any insight or recommendations would be so much appreciated!

Here’s my little babe Savannah! 💕

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Advice from our pediatric plastic surgeon: - First off, do as much tummy time as you can during the day. Good for strength, but keeps them off their head. - Try to get baby to lay on the biggest curve part of the head, so the flat part can round out. - Roll up a towel and place it inside baby's shirt on back to help prevent baby from turning to preferred side.Use mirrors/toys to encourage baby to turn head certain way. - If you constantly work on head position during the day, then you can just let them sleep however at night. We followed her advice and were able to re-shape his head without a helmet.


Posted at
My son was like this too. We started doing everything opposite of the usual. So feeding with baby on my right arm and holding bottle with left hand, instead of my "normal" way. Diaper changes with his head in the opposite direction so he would have to turn in the direction he was avoiding to see me. Same with carrying him, having husband stand on the other side of him to make him turn his head. He was not only getting a flat spot but his neck was tighten too. He's good to go now, picked up on it pretty quickly and we didn't need to have a helmet


Sam • Apr 14, 2020
A couple weeka, he had a hard time getting that neck to turn


Kristina • Apr 14, 2020
Ah nice!!! How long did it take before you started to notice a difference?


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Torticollis is what is sounds like. My daughter just went through this. I took her to the chiropractor and after a few adjustments and stretches along with tummy time and making her look the other way. She has put grew it all. I suggest the chiropractor.


Lemondrop • Apr 15, 2020


Posted at
I know It’s not easy right now but my chiropractor helped my daughter with this. Also, my son was favoring one side and I realized that he was always just sleeping with his head facing away from the wall. So I turned him so that away from the wall was the other way.


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Problem with need pt. We had the same problem and as he has gotten older it is better. You need to contact your doctor about how to start pt.


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What has her doctor said to do ?


BB • Apr 14, 2020
Did they give you tips? How old is she now? If she’s already in the habit of it there isn’t much you can do to stop it and the helmet really is amazing


Kristina • Apr 14, 2020
He said to reposition her, always have her looking at toys the other direction etc. and we’ll reevaluate at her 6 mo Appt. Trying to get good insight and tips since she hates sleeping any other way.