
Amy • 6 year old 💙 2 year old 💜 2 miscarriages, ectopic. Due Sept 2020!

I went in for an MFM appointment today for an amniocentesis due to NIPT showing higher risk for turners syndrome. For those of you who don’t know it is a condition that affects girls only and can make them infertile along with physical feature deformities (webbed neck, low set ears, edema in hands and other places). We also got a sneak peek and on the third try they finally concluded girl.

Well after NIPT and sneak peek saying girl we were pretty sure it was a girl but I always thought boy and was shocked they said girl. Also at my 13 week scan to check on baby they looked at genitalia and said they see no signs of a penis. Well me being curious and wanted to make sure I asked her to look before we proceeded with the amnio and the shock on all our faces when a penis popped up on the screen was unbelievable! We were all wearing masks but you could see it in our eyes. Our girl turns out to be a BOY. We went ahead with the amnio due to the oddity of showing higher risk of turners syndrome and if it was wrong about gender we want to know it wasn’t wrong about anything else.