staying safe from covid rant

ladies what are you or your men doing to keep you safe from this virus, my boyfriend is still bringing me around his parents & sister, out to stores, getting take out & now wants me to go eat at his aunt & uncles. I feel like he thinks I’m not high risk or anything like we’re invincible or something ? It’s making me cry bc I just showered, lotioned up & changed & he’s making me get ready & go out again. I feel like he isn’t taking it serious. He’s already “essential” worker & around people daily & bringing everything back to me if he does catch this. I feel so emotional & overwhelmed I just want to be alone. If I were to catch this & not recover or something I’d feel guilty. I can’t mention not being around his family or something bc he’ll think I’m just being petty or something like overreacting or something bc they’re covering their faces & stuff if they go out as well.

It’s hard to feel like he doesn’t even care that I’m going out.

^. I said high risk bc apparently all pregnant women’s immunes are more likely to catch this, don’t know if it’s true or not but I’m believing it.