Has the quarantine changed the way you perceive working from home? Would you do it when the crisis ends?



After a few days of adjusting to the home environment, I discovered that I really enjoy WFH. I sleep more, no need to spend time putting makeup on, eating healthy. Also, i’ve become more efficient and i had time to clean the house. More, i saved some money :) Definitely would like to have some WFH days when the restrictions are lifted.

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I’ve been working from home for almost 6 years. The worst part, easily, is when people assume I keep my kids home all day while I work. Like everybody got super offended that I put my kids in daycare so they could have interaction and be stimulated throughout the day instead of being neglected by me. They’re obviously home now and it is AWFUL. Trying to make the best of it but god I can’t wait for daycare to open again. But aside from that I do enjoy working from home. I miss bullshitting with my coworkers sometimes though.


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I was working from home prior to COVID. It is much better than working on site.


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If I had room for an office, I’d like a split schedule (couple days in the office, couple at home). As it is I work at my coffee table or dining table and both are uncomfortable. I do love not having to commute, but I miss seeing my coworkers.


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I haven’t been working from home, but honestly it sounds like hell to me


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My husband loves WFH. One of his coworkers is trying to make it to where it becomes a permanent thing since this has shown them they can easily do their job from home. He wants to make it to where they have the option to only physically go to work once or twice a week


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A good portion of my job is technical and cannot be done from home. I usually work from home one day a week for all my admin stuff. I would like to go back to that. I miss my colleagues, I miss my mice and rats, I miss just having meetings instead of having a whole tech nightmare before each one.


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I worked from home prior, but did not have all 3 of my kids home and needing to be home schooled too lol It’s a lot , and I’m 37 weeks pregnant.... I’m not sure how I would feel in more, non-pregnancy scenarios


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I’ve been working from home 2-3 days a week for years. I’ve always liked it, but never wanted it to be full time and this has confirmed I don’t want a full time work at home person.


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I already worked from home but had field visits with clients. Now I feel like I have cabin fever because I can’t do anything.


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I have a hard time concentrating at home with the kids and feel guilty I can’t play with them.