Does this sound like early signs of labor??


For the past week I’ve been having pain in my vagina like I’ve been kicked in the vagina and today I went to the doctor and I’m dilated to a 3. My back has been hurting really bad the last 2-3 days(it hurts to move at all) getting outta bed is almost unbearable, my legs are hurting/cramping so bad, I have pressure/cramping In my butt feeling like I need to poop but can’t and I’ve been losing strings after strings of my mucus plug. This is all new to me, when my son I went from a finger tip dilated to a 2 1/2 and contractions hit and I went straight into labor, I never hurt like this with him but I’m so miserable this time😢 Laying in bed just now I had a sharp pain in my butt and the feeling I needed to poop