Question for parents of teens...

So I’m 17 and a senior in high school right now and we don’t have online classes or anything because my school just sucks so : I’M BORED AS HELL. My mom works 12 hour shifts and expects me to babysit my two sisters every day while she’s at work. My youngest sister is 7 and has special needs and it’s honestly exhausting. On top of that, I’m bummed out that l won’t have a prom, graduation ceremony, and really stressed out about college.

I really really miss my boyfriend right now and he lives only a few houses down the street and there are almost no cases of the virus in our whole province and literally just one in our area but I’m still hesitant about asking my mom if I can go see him because I know we’re not supposed to but he’s the only one that understands me right now so if you were my mother would you let me go see him?

We’ve been isolated for close to a month and I really miss him :(

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Posted at
No. You're not magically immune/safe because you're 17, lonely and bored. Talk to him on the phone and get some hobbies.


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No. Everyone has to social distance. It sucks for everyone. You can talk on the phone or FaceTime your boyfriend. You don’t need to see him in person. Not trying to be mean, but you’ll survive not seeing him for a couple months. Everybody is lonely and missing their loved ones. You are not the only one.


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Nope. It sucks to be away from loved ones, but that’s our reality right now. Staying at home is saving lives.


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It’s tough for everyone right now, but no I wouldn’t let you go see anyone you didn’t already live with. The world hasn’t seen anything like this in almost 100 years, at least we have modern conveniences.


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No. I know it really sucks and is hard! But you have FaceTime. Get creative! Read some books, write poetry, learn a new craft, etc.


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I wouldn’t let you go. Video chat, call on the phone, find a game to play together online (fortnite comes to mind). I know it doesn’t seem fair but your part of a family and you need to watch your sisters so your mom can keep a roof over your head, normally I would say it’s not your job to do that but these are special circumstances and it’s needed. We are all having a shes time staying inside and going a little stir crazy. The reality is if we don’t all stay inside a lot of people will die. It’s bleak but that’s the facts. It’s a very very small period of time in the grand scheme of things. Your doing amazing for your family and helping out with your sister/s keep up the good work. We are all in this together.


Posted at
No I wouldn't let you go. Unless you were 6ft away from each other as are the guidelines where I live.