Worried about possible symptoms


I’m 28 weeks today. I’ve had some odd symptoms but didn’t think much of them. Over the past two months I’ve had three, short, episodes of flashing lights. My BP has always been okay once I relax in the exam room. Today, I had a midwife appointment and my BP was 132/100 my diastolic has never been that high. My systolic is usually lower but can jump up if I’m not relaxed or distracted by my son, which I was. I thought it was weird but didn’t think much. They tested my urine, this was a true midwife appointment, not in a hospital setting, it showed a little green. Meaning some protein in my urine. When they felt baby it was up higher and it was pretty tender when they were touching up there. This was then pressing on my uterus to feel babies position. . When I got home I started feeling really unwell. Nauseous, abdomen just hurt, laying on my right side is super painful and has been for about a week, I’ve felt like my kidneys hurt for about two weeks, dizzy spells, lower back pain....

should I be worried about high BP?

Are those few episodes of flashing lights a cause for concern?

Should I be phoning the hospital midwifes for an appointment?