Still waiting


Cd 39 today. Longest periods have been 42 days. For almost the last year my period has been coming on time every single fucken month. Cycles have consistently been 30-35 days.

Now I'm sitting here waiting and waiting for my period to come. Was due last week. Cramping which was worse last week, now seems to have dropped off a lot. Still having cramps like period cramps.

Fertility clinic said we've got a very slim chance of ever being able to conceive naturally. Best bet is <a href="">IVF</a>.

Don't want to test because period always shows up, so I'm waiting for that to happen. Won't consider myself late until I get past 42 days and still no period.

Is it possible to cramp exactly like you're getting your period, no other symptoms and be pregnant??

Please share your stories/experiences with your cramping during pregnancy.

Thanks in advance