What is going on?!


So I am in an odd scenario and was wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them. My husband and I already have 2 wonderful kids, are not actively trying to have a third, but if we were to have a third, this is the timeframe we would be trying, in the next month or so.

But here is the strange part. All last month, we used condoms, and my periods usually run 30 days since my last child. I am now 10 days late. I have taken 4 different tests, all negative. My cervix feels low and firm, like it would for my period, but I have a lot of discharge that reminds me of early pregnancy.

At this point, my worry is not necessarily "Am I pregnant?", it's more of "What in the world is wrong with me?" I'm only 28, so no worries about menopause, never have had a yeast infection or BV or UTI, no problems with ovary cysts, but this actually has me scared. I am almost hoping for a BFP just so I know there is a logical reason for this. Have any of you had a similar situation? Have you completely missed a period but not been pregnant?