6th Baby and I'm not ready for the negativity


Hi guys so....I was previously married for 14 years, we had children who now are ages 16/15/9/7 and 5. We got divorced 4 years ago..he cheated....I'm now in the best positive relationship I've ever known for 2 years and am 5 weeks 5 days pregnant. My SO has no children of his own and is wonderful to mine. This is his first baby experience and everything and I really don't want people to ruin it for him with the omg your pregnant again? 6? What will you do with 6.....ect bullshit that I know is coming. I work a good salaried job provide my own insursnce. No state help ect...so I really feel the hormonal rage bubbling to the first person who is negative. He is so excited and ill be damned if its ruined for his firsts on this journey.... anyone else??? OK rant over