Confused on the gender 😭😂



Hi ladies , so about 2 weeks ago at 17+5 I went in for my anatomy scan and had to reschedule due to my bladder being empty and it being too blurry so the tech couldn’t take the measurements he needed, it was April 1st btw anyways he was able to tell me baby’s sex and he told me it was a girl and I’m like okay💕 . Today at 19+5 I went in for my anatomy scan and she was able to do it which is great and I jokingly said it’s still a girl right and she goes girl?!? I’m like yeah that’s what the tech told me last time I was here and she goes it’s a boy😂 I seen it’s penis 😭😂 so y’all I’m confused 😂who do I believe now😂?

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Posted at
Boy. If she saw a penis and also your now 2 weeks further alone making it easier to tell Annoying though that that happened lol


Posted at
I would probably go with the second one seeing as you had to reschedule the 1st one because of not being able to see clearly.


Mrs. • Apr 15, 2020
Yes but even ultrasounds can sometimes be wrong ☺️


Nat • Apr 15, 2020
That’s true I wish I could just know forsure 😭


Posted at
I would have them check again at your next appointment.i made them check 3 times with my daughter 🤣🤣 I was like are you sureeee 🤔🤣


Posted at
Didn’t you look for yourself? 🧐


Nat • Apr 15, 2020
Lol no I didn’t get a chance too😭