Not even gone two weeks and he already has another woman in the house

I left my husband because he is a lying piece of garbage. I came back to my family to stay and get my head straight and away from his manipulation so I can begin the process of divorce because he will never change.

He had lied and cheated for the 2 years of marriage but takes no responsibility for any of his actions. I gave him numerous chances. Turns out it was a few too many. Haven’t even been here at my parents house for 2 weeks and I find out he’s already had a woman over around MY things and around MY dog yet again. All I asked was for him to be respectful and wait until we are legally divorced. I guess I should have seen it coming but I’m tired of making excuses for him. I’m ready to move on with my life and get my dog and my things. I know my worth and what I deserve. I tried every damn day to be an amazing wife to him and it’s just a slap in the face.

Sorry guys, just had to vent.