Too soon to test?


Soooo I was due for my period on the 10th but still haven’t gotten it, I have two apps that I use to track my period but they’re only a day apart in how “late” my period is. My periods are usually regular if I’m ever late I’m usually 3 days late the LATEST. I tested today and two days ago both came out negative :/. Also had sex more than what I actually logged I just always get caught up in the moment and fail to log it in. Haven’t had any signs of AF coming, I usually get heavy periods right before and extremely heavy feeling boobs but haven’t had either, just some slight cramping on and off. When would be a good idea to test again ? Have been ttc after an ectopic in August that resulted in losing my right tube so it is a bit nerve racking but I’m also really hoping that this is finally it!