Can someone please explain to me how lockdown will make this go away

I don’t understand

I always hear people say “STAY HOME, so this lockdown can end faster”

How will it end faster? Won’t there just be a surge of cases once it’s lifted again?

I feel like people need to get it to end faster. Like herd immunity.

Shouldn’t the young and healthy go back to work and the sick/health issue/elderly be quarantined? That way our economy can recover some..

If all the young healthy people get it and create the antibodies they won’t be a threat anymore.

States that have the most cases will be over it faster. It’s not going to magically go away in a few weeks of lockdown, it never would even if everyone did it correctly

Sorry I am probably just missing something. I know about hospitals could be come overwhelmed, then if that’s the real reasons then they’re all lying saying only a few more weeks of lockdown.