Hes struggling with online communication

I started dating this guy right before all the shutdown/ lockdowns and once that started i had to go home back to the other side of the country. Since then we have been trying the long distance thing and have at least once a week been getting together over zoom to watch shows and movies together which we planned to do anyways before we went long distance. However once we stop watching he really struggles, and hes admitted this , to communicating and carrying on conversation thats not in person. So whats happened is that we stop watching and shortly thereafter he says he has to get to bed (it is in fact much later for him due to time zones). He has realized that he is really bad about talking with me in this format and he feels really bad about it and i feel so down about the whole thing because sometimes it just feels like he doesnt want to talk to me or doesnt find me interesting anymore. Anyways does anyone have any suggestion on how i can help him get better at this or how to help us as a couple in general having to deal with this?