Early period

Ok I wanna post a picture but phone being crazy.

Ok I been TTC for a couple months but this month is weird I have had my period for a long time it comes on time all the time only thing that may changed is after my kids a day may be added or subtracted. Ex:4 days may be 2 or 3 days an 5 days may be 7 have had 5 pregnancies. An my last pregnancy was 9 years so my period is regular.

Ok so today I thought I had to pee go to the bathroom push an realize it wasn’t pee look down an it was a gush of weird looking blood similar to a clot but it wasn’t old blood it was bright . An when I wiped it was little to nothing on the tissue .but my period is NOT DUE FOR 7 days.

I am 37 no birth control ,have had kids an never experienced this . im not cramping or anything like I usually do,this is just weird to me an dont know if I should mark this as a period or wait it out. I try to mark as soon as possible so I won’t forget.