Constipated baby!


We started carrots about 3 weeks ago. We were doing 1x daily and recently within the past 2-3 days moved up to 2x daily m. Ever since this poor boy has had a bard time pooping. We do belly massage and I also put him in his reclining chair cause honestly it’s his pooping chair. Every time he is in it he poops. But he’s been grumpy and uncomfortable. Any suggestions. He’s breastmilk only....

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This isn’t a solids shaming post but my doctor suggested holding off for solids for ebf babies until 6 months and can start at 4 months if formula is incorporated into their diet or exclusive formula fed. Sounds like his belly could possibly not be taking well to solids or maybe just not carrots. If you want to keep on the solids path, maybe try something else like oatmeal that is super bland to get up and running. We tried carrots at 5 months and she is taking well to them digestively so far but she just isn’t a fan of the taste. Unfortunately, this all isn’t an exact science and may take some time to figure jt out.


T • Apr 17, 2020
I understand. My daughter got the go ahead from my doctor as well but we give her some formula. My point is that although he has met the requirements, his body may not be ready yet if he is having GI issues. At this stage solids aren’t necessary for their diet so it could be doing more harm than good.


Autumn • Apr 17, 2020
I got the all clear from my pediatrician to start at 4mo we waited a while but started a few weeks ago. He has met all requirements to start.


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Peas, green beans, prunes, and pears were recommended to me to avoid constipation.


Me • Apr 17, 2020
I do prunes every other day and that seems to be working too.


Autumn • Apr 17, 2020
Yeah I stopped carrots and started green beans today which he loved so hopefully he will clear out!


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Maybe stop carrots? Daily, and especially twice daily, feedings of solids aren't really necessary this young. I would just stop giving carrots.


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Apple juice worked for my son


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You can also try probotic drops. Along with helping to help gut bacteria to boost their immune system they help with constipation.


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My daughter was constipated off and on for 3 weeks. We had to take her to urgent care and everything. They gave her a suppository and she cried as she pushed out hard, foul stool. Her anus developed a fissure from pushing so hard. We tried foods that start with a P and fruit juices. Nothing worked, and finally her per said to give her pear juice with 1/4 a cap of miralax. She said it is not habit forming and bad for the baby. Let me tell you...It had my baby going. I had to give it to her a couple more times but it pretty much reset her system!!!
My daughter was constipated off and on for 3 weeks. We had to take her to urgent care and everything. They gave her a suppository and she cried as she pushed out hard, foul stool. Her anus developed a fissure from pushing so hard. We tried foods that start with a P and fruit juices. Nothing worked, and finally her per said to give her pear juice with 1/4 a cap of miralax. She said it is not habit forming and bad for the baby. Let me tell you...It had my baby going. I had to give it to her a couple more times but it pretty much reset her system!!!


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I e found that daily probiotics help my daughter. Our doctor also told us that you can get infant suppositories if it’s coming out hard and the baby is having trouble. Weber has to use one a couple times. We got ours on amazon.