Milk supply decrease- HELP 🥺


So yesterday and today I’ve tried pumping after each feeding to hopefully increase my supply so I can have some freezer milk. Except last night at 1 am I had NO milk to feed my baby, and I feel like I’ve had little to no milk to feed her all day today. She’s not ACTING hungry but when I try to squeeze milk out nothing comes out. She keeps latching and unlatching the way she does on my “bad” boob when it’s out of milk on both sides now. I’m so heartbroken. I had to use my only freezer milk last night and the 1 oz I pumped today to feed her just now. Tried giving her formula and she made a weird face & refused it. I just don’t know what to do. If pumping is supposed to help you make MORE milk why do I have less? I just don’t know what to do, I really need some help. Please give me ANY tips or advice, I’m desperate