Update on high fetal heart rate


On Tuesday I had my biweekly appointment. After waiting for 45 mins they said the dr got called for a delivery and wanted me to come back Friday. Out of my character I spoke up and said NO, they cancelled my last 2 appointments and the last time I was there (March 3rd) I waited for 3 hours only to be seen by the midwife, I actually haven't seen a dr since Jan 20.

The nurse went to check with the other dr to see if she could fit me in, she said it be a little wait but I was okay with that.

Boy am I happy and thankful I stood up and spoke up.

The nurse took my vitals and measured me, she said I was measuring a few weeks ahead.

She then used the doppler for the HR. It was 220. She thought maybe I had extra fluid and it was doubling the HR. So they hooked me up to a non stress test and the HR was bouncing from 220-247. So they decided to do an ultrasound.

Babys heart rate was actually 220-247! And was about 2 weeks ahead.

They referred me to a high risk dr in the city for the next day.

Due to the current situation I had to go to the high risk dr alone, which was terrifying. I had no idea what was going on, or what would come of our little bean. At the dr they did another ultrasound and diagnosed baby with SVT, which is a form of arrhythmia. I honestly didnt hear much after that except the words heart failure....

The dr wanted to admit me to labor and delivery to monitor me for 24 hours and created a game plan. The only light in the whole situation was since they were sending me to labor and delivery my husband was allowed to come. So the nurse escorted him from the parking garage to my room. If they would have sent me to general admission I would have had to been alone. Talk about scary.

They sent us yesterday (Thursday ) to see a pediatric cardiologist to make sure no damaged was done to babys heart and to make sure there were no abnormalities. We got the all clear from her thankfully!

They have me on some medication now (Digoxin). We go back Monday to make sure the medicine is working 🤞🤞 If it is I will remain on it till baby gets here. BTW baby is already 5lbs and I'm just 32 weeks today. This little sucker better not turn out to be a 10 pounder!

Moral of the story, dont let them push you around. I'm not sure what made me stand up and say no I want to be seen today, but thank God I did. Because who knows how long the little buggers heart has been pounding so fast, and who know what a few more days would have done to its poor little heart! This could have started Tuesday morning, or any time since March 3rd...which is a longggg time. I'm trying not to think about what could have happened if I wasnt seen on Tuesday.