First Ultrasound


First of all, our baby is measuring 8 weeks 1 day. I’m so grateful that I got to see a healthy baby with a heartbeat (159).

Sadly, I will say that my ultrasound experience bummed me out because obviously my husband couldn’t be there which was the first sucky part. But then, I politely asked if I could take a quick video for him (just of the heartbeat), and she said “no” in a stern voice. —I know that there are policies in place and hopefully she was just following orders and not being an asshole, but it was only going to be shared with my husband and we just had a miscarriage in Feb, so I wanted to be able to reassure him that all is well too. When she finally actually turned on the sound so I could hear it, she clicked the button for a split second and then shut it off. Like, I barely even recognized what I was hearing by the time she has already clicked it off again. The imaging itself was behind my head, so she did the whole ultrasound telling me not to turn around and that she would print a couple images at the end for me, so I couldn’t even watch her checking everything out and see the heartbeat on the screen or anything. I just felt super let down by the whole experience, like it tainted the fact that I have a baby and the baby is doing well right now. I’m really trying to just be happy, but I can’t shake this feeling of frustration just yet. Hopefully I will sleep on it and feel better tomorrow.

Thanks for letting me rant, ladies!