Which do you prefer

I use tampon now but I want to switch to diva cup

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Posted at
After using menstrual cups I’ll never go back to pads or tampons 🙅‍♀️


Madison • Apr 18, 2020
Just accepted your chat request 👍🏻


Ho • Apr 18, 2020
How long do you recommend leaving those in for? Because they say up to 12 hours


Posted at
Pad because I’m scared to use any other ones 💀😂


Lilly • Apr 19, 2020
Same!!!! I used a tampon once and never again


Posted at
Cup is life changing... 7 years so far and havnt spent any money on my period... non.. zip.. nada... before I was spending on tampons.. nope I bought 2 cups on amazon and haven't payed anything else


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Pads make me feel like I’m wearing a diaper lol


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I'm a tampon lady (that sounds wierd but you get what I mean😂). When I first started my period my mom only boight me pads so that's what I wore. I hated them and everytine I got my period I started crying. I remeber having a really heavy flow everytine and having to wear the night ones during the day somtimes beacuse not even the highest day absorbency ones could last without me staining myself. It was hella uncomfortable untill the day I found my mom's box of tampons and since then I'm never going back.☺️I still do hate my period tho.😂My hubby always says to me "that explains the 4 kids"😂😂. Of course he's joking, but I did very much enjoy the non-menstruating nine months that the baby pack offered a whole lot, thank you😂😂.So that's that. I still regret not finding tampins earlier, it would've made my life a lot easier😕


Posted at
i've only ever used pads because the couple times i've used tampons it was painful but i wouldn't mind trying tampons again


ℕ𝕒𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕒🌹 • Apr 18, 2020
Just saying, tampons are awsome. Sooo much more comfortable than pads, and you get to do everyyhing you couldn't do with the pads like swimming and other stuff. It was game changing for me at least. I'd say try them again and then choose. I doesn't hurt knowing everything before you stick with something. It could make your life easier. I personally regret not finding tampons earlier. Anyways, good luck I guess😅😅


Posted at
I was definitely scared of using a menstrual cup at first but I decided to try it and it’s honestly so great! You get used to it after a few uses and saving money on tampons is awesome too. Plus they are better for your body and the environment :)


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Soft Disc