Dreading Baby Shower at this point (Rant)

Danielle • Mommy to a precious little boy born 12/17/15 and full time working mom! I love my little family!
This is long and I'm hoping some people can sympathize and not be rude. I'm not a rude or greedy person. I'm just tired of people in general at this point in my pregnancy. 
I'm due 12/22 first baby and my baby shower is tomorrow. My husband and I purchased all of the large items ourselves (crib, dresser, car seat/stroller, baby bath, high chair, pack n play, exer saucer). I put all small, inexpensive items on my baby registry even though it's things I need (bottles, pacifiers, blankets, extra car seat bases) the most expensive item is the $50 car seat base and most items are under $20. I'm really not unreasonable or greedy. I was being helpful by letting people know what we really need. 
My baby shower is tomorrow with over 60 people invited and over 30 RSVPs and only 8 items (diapers, mommy hook, lotion, crib sheet... Etc) have been purchased from two registries combined. I have posted the picture below on Facebook so people KNOW already we don't need clothes but I'm afraid at this point that's all I'll get. 
To make matters worse, I have had people tell me to my face to stop buying so much for baby because I'll get "everything" at my shower. These are the same people who are invited and obviously haven't bought anything we need. I'm so disappointed and really not even excited about this shower anymore. 
I told my husband maybe it's partly hormones at this point but I am really afraid I'll just have a breakdown tomorrow if all I see are 10,000 newborn onesies that he won't be able to wear (he's already measuring ahead and will most likely be a big boy). I feel like why should I entertain and feed all these people when they really don't care about what i need?
I'm also tired of all the "be grateful for what you get... Blah blah" comments when I have bought everything myself up to this point. I really don't need to hear anymore of that. Hoping some of you have been in a similar situation and things worked out okay?