It came back with a vengeance


I stopped taking my birth control on Tuesday because my boyfriend broke up with me. So what’s the point of taking it if I’m not having sex. Plus I’m in quarantine! I got my period on Thursday morning and damn this bitch came back with a vengeance! She’s so much worse than before

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Posted at
Same happened to me! I took birth control for a year and then decided to stop, and the first period I got after stopping was HELL. Worst cramping of my life and terrible nausea. My periods after that were much more mild though so I hope the same for you!


Posted at
Omgggg I know the feeling! I used my pills to skip my period in February for my birthday and March was the worst! I'm still taking bc because I live with my boyfriend, definitely not gonna skip again


Hannah • Apr 18, 2020
It’s fucking brutal man 😂