Wanted a baby but instead I’ll be fired Monday

Giselle • 35 😳 No kiddos yet... ttc for the past 6 months with a stop for 2 months of birth control that helped to thicken my endometrium, which helped a lot with acupuncture (I believe) Returned this February to this bitter sweet ride of TTC... feeling super hopef

So I have that unwanted meeting with Human Resources Monday at 8 am, I was hoping to be pregnant by now... but no... now my future is so uncertain 😖

I’m 15 days DPO no period and I have no idea when I ovulated 😰

I reached inside of my vagina and had a tiny bit of blood, so I’m probably out no?

I wish I would be pregnant my amazing husband is so loving so perfect and he also wanted so bad 💔😭