OPK indicated pregnancy...

Their_Mommy 💟 • Risingfromrockbottom.com Blog meant to help the suffering 💛

In the attached photo, you will see my progression with OPK’s. 3/29 I received the closest I could to my surge, and then I quit recording as the next test was much lighter which to me, confirmed the surge. After that I did not continue to test as I awaited my period. My breast became sore, and I felt nauseous, I figured my period was among me and the nausea was due to diet supplements I had been taking. The evening of 4/11 I decided to check, just for shits and giggles honestly, and the test was dark (I recorded it twice in two different lightings because I almost felt like I was crazy). I took to the wonderful boards of glow, and asked why I would have another potential surge, and I was advised that I could in fact be pregnant. A possibility I hadn’t really considered given everything surrounding my life at the moment. 4/12, Easter morning I had to run out for flour, and I decided you know what, let me just check and see. I assumed it was probably in my head, and figured the control line would beam as it always does.. alone. But within moments, before I could clean myself and pull my pants up, two lines appeared. One obviously darker than the other, but nonetheless there were two lines.

Shaking, I threw it in a old bracelet box, attached a cute little note and ran down to present it to my husband, whom coincidently, we were also celebrating our 7 year anniversary that same day.

And while we are ecstatic and scared (thank you pandemic) I’m just ready to see and make sure everything is okay at the dating scan. Curiosity got me, and on 4/17 I decided to try another OPK, just to see what it would say.. and well, you see my results. According to my last period I was 3w and 6days when I took that OPK on 4/11 and had a surge.

So apparently, it is in fact a possibility of pregnancy with positive OPK’s, and the impossible is in fact possible, as we weren’t actively trying just yet (goal was to start trying July, but then we decided to play it by ear given the pandemic) so ladies, all you need is a mustard seed of Faith, and apparently a drop of sperm 🤣

Baby dust to those of you actively trying! ♥️