Felling discouraged

I had a pretty regular cycle before TTC. We started in March and these have been my cycles, 
March  27 days
April    29 days
May    38 days 
June   36 days 
July-Aug    37 days 
Sept sitting at day 40 
Each month I've had some sort of symptom thinking I was pregnant and then AF came days late. This month my chiropractor gave me a hormone supplement that is supposed to help balance my hormones and also help with fertility. Well I had mid cycle bleeding for the first time ever. And now I am Sick as a dog, so nauseated. I had a BFN on Tuesday. I'm so tired of my body feeling like it's pregnant and then getting disappointed.  I think I'm at the point now if I'm not I'm going to talk to my OB/GYN to see what's going on. 
Just feeling like it's never going to happen :-/  
Just needed to get that out. I know none of us are excited to still be TTC.