Somebody purchased Gift & ask me to give it back

So somebody purchased a gift for baby & It was delivered to my house since I’m having a virtual shower next weekend & they Texted me to give the gift back because she has to purchase a gift for another friend for her baby shower & then give me mine . What should I do should I give it back or keep it ?

Update: it’s a Snoo bassinet & I already opened the box & she’s my best friend. She’s not wanting her money just wanted to point that out & i know she wants to give it to another friends who is pregnant (24 weeks & is having a shower tommorow )she’s still financially stable she is a YouTube influencer.

Update #2: so she said she only wanted it back because she didn’t have a gift for the shower tommorow.

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Posted at
That is incredibly strange 🤨


Posted at
Damn that’s a nice gift


Joannie • Apr 20, 2020
I though I was the only one thinking that😅 no one here seems surprised that her friend got her a snoo as a shower gift lolll


Posted at
I would keep it! Say you already opened it. Like it’s a little shady to want the gift back lbs


Posted at
Just tell her, you snoo you loose. Mine now.


Posted at
I mean I would give it back but I probably wouldn’t be speaking with them anytime soon because that’s rude as hell.


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I would give it back. With everything going on she really might have just made a mistake and gave you the wrong gift. She already said it was meant for the other friend and she wanted to get your something else. So I would just say okay, warn her it’s already open though, give it back, and then wait for whatever gift it is she actually planed on giving me.


emy • Apr 20, 2020
In that case just keep it. She can always tell the other friend she will send her the gift.


Isamar • Apr 20, 2020
She told she wants it because she doesent have a gift for tommorow & she said she wants to give us both the same thing


Posted at
What is the gift if you don't mind me asking? I think its messed up this friend is doing this. I'd return it to them (if you can) but I would warn them its already been opened ect. And then I wouldn't have contact with them for a long time. To take a gift from one friend just to give it to someone else is just weird and messed up


Mercides • Apr 20, 2020
So is this friend taking it from you to give to the other person or wants to return it to get a gift for her and you?


Isamar • Apr 20, 2020
It’s a snoo bassinet


Posted at
That's super tacky- what the hell? 😂 Was it something you had to or wanted to wash? I've been opening and prepping/washing every item as soon as I get it, so you could always let her know that unfortunately it's not in a returnable state anymore. 😬


Posted at
Keep it don’t give back ! & just throw the box or packaging out and tell her you washed, cleaned or set up.


Posted at
Wow your friend is incredibly tacky! She probably should have just bought a second one of these for the shower tomorrow rather than asking for this one back. I would give it back to her and probably wouldn’t speak to her again. But I’m petty and would never expect any of my true friends to do this.