Military to military pregnant out of wedlock, anyone who can give me a peace of mind?

So my boyfriend is stationed in Korea and will stay there for a total of 12 months. He came back to visit me for his mid tour luckily right before COVID shut everything down. I didn’t have any symptoms of pregnancy other than a lack of my period. I probably should have taken a test a lot sooner but I just never thought I’d be pregnant because I am on bc. I took a test today and turns out I’m pregnant. His follow on base is out of the country as well. My question is, since it’s 3 am and no one I can go talk to about more information with this situation is open and I can’t sleep because I’m nervous and stressed out. Will us having a child together allow our baby and myself get orders to his follow on base. Or will we need to get married in order to keep our family together?