This is an odd one

So I recently found pics of other girls on my husbands phone and they go as far back as 2018-today and they are pics of his girl friends and either of them naked. Breast feeding cause there boobs are out or pregnant cause he’s weird and likes pregnant woman. He did at one point screen shot this girl he new that had her only fans name and we have a joint account so when I was checking to see when our check would be in I saw a transaction for only fans for 20 dollars and he brushed it off as them scamming him and taking the money out of his account and that he had no idea but I have a hard time believe that. What would you guys do in this situation. I get people watch porn but saving photos of his friends like that??? He also had a history of using my photos and posting them places and saying personal stuff about me which I don’t think it’s okay either... thoughts ladies? Don’t be rude either not here for it