A little disappointed

So today was my first appointment with the gyno, she diagnosed me with PCOS. I was also informed that I'm diabetic. She said that my cycles are too crazy some times cycles as short as 15 days to those lasting as long as 40 days. She also told me that the reason I can't lose weight no matter how hard I try was cause I was on depo for 4+ yrs and depo easily adds 20lbs for each yr ur on it.... so right now I could be back to my old self had I never started depo and under 300lbs. I want to cry soooooo bad !!!! No I know it's not the end of the world and others have it worse then me. But the weight thing seriously pisses me off I've tried for so long and soooooo hard to lose weight and I can't ever get past 345 and I'd kill my self going to the gym 6 days a week and eating right all to find out my bc was working against me. I hate that doctors don't give u all the correct information just to get u out of the office so fast. So plan of action::::: metformin x3 daily,prenatal vitamin daily, bc for 3 months to fix periods and ovulation and a new weight loss med. I go back for a check up in 3 months.