Instagram likes

I just want some advice from you ladies about how you feel about your man liking other girls Instagram pictures? I usually don’t care as long as the picture is on their feed like ok it’s cool normal we all like pictures it’s Instagram! As long as it’s JUST that. The only time i get bothered is when he goes out of his way to like OLD pictures like ..? And to top it off it’s girls that he doesn’t even follow and that i know he has friends in common with so it’s just a bit shady to me. Point is he knows that i don’t like that we’ve been together for 2 years and we’ve had this discussion multiple times, same way that he doesn’t really like if i would do the same, matter of fact he doesn’t even like if i liked a picture of a dude that’s on my feed! I don’t follow any guys and he doesn’t follow any girls i know that’s probably not the healthiest thing but at the end of the day i don’t care to follow guys because I’m just not interested, but the fact that he goes out of his way finds these girls profiles and likes old pics just doesn’t sit right with me .. any advice helps !