
Omg. I was taking a walk today, pushing my 1 year old in the stroller, and suddenly I had the overwhelming feeling that I was going to poop. Clearly nothing was open because of Covid-19, so I couldn't find a bathroom anywhere. I even rang the bell at the fire station. Nothing. And still a mile to go before we got home. You guys, I almost made it. Almost, but not quite. Taking a 1 year old out of a stroller and digging for keys while you are unsuccessfully holding in poop and 35 weeks pregnant is the absolute worst, most horrible feeling. Cant wait till tomorrow when I can laugh about it. Thank god my husband was at work and didnt have to see me like this.🤣😂🤪💩🙈

I know you are all hurting and over it. I know I am. Hope this gives you a laugh.