5 weeks 3 days- Previous PMP 👼🏻

Shannon • 💙Baby Boy Due April 2023 💙12/22/2020 PMP in February ‘19👼🏻 MC February ‘22 MC June ‘22

My husband and I are 5 weeks pregnant with our first baby due December 19! We’re so incredibly excited but are continuing to guard our hearts until we hear baby’s heartbeat and make it through the first trimester.

We found out we were pregnant with our angel baby in December 2018. At that time we heard our baby’s heartbeat at 8 weeks and were told the pregnancy looked healthy! Unfortunately, we went into our 12 week dating scan and were blindsided. The ultrasound tech took all the measurements in silence and eventually told us that the baby was measuring at 10weeks 1 day, and that the baby did not have a heartbeat. Everything that happened from the doctor and nurse coming in to talk about what they presumed was a partial molar pregnancy, to the scheduling of our DNC for the next morning was a blur. A blur of tears and pain and confusion. Following the procedure, I had monthly bloodwork to ensure my HCG dropped below zero. This was a year long process of labs and a period where we were obligated to avoid getting pregnant at all costs for my health and safety.

Fast forward almost two years and we will be expecting this Christmas bundle of joy!

If anyone else is pregnant after a molar pregnancy, I would love to connect and support one another through this! 💕🌈