How long after miscarriage until I get a negative pregnancy test??

Marlei Mae • Happily Engaged✨Mommy to a little girl✨Baby #2 on the way 💙

I miscarried my 8 week baby on Easter Sunday(5th) It’s been 16 days. I stopped bleeding a few days ago. I’m still getting very positive pregnancy tests. When I saw my OB on the day after Easter(6th) he said I miscarried & my uterus is empty except for thickening of my uterus. He said no D&C is necessary & I have a check up with him on the 27th. They are sending me to get blood work done today to check my levels. When I was 4 weeks my levels were 2271. My OB said my levels were very high & for some woman it can take up to 3 weeks after the bleeding stops to get a negative pregnancy test. I’m just wanting this process to hurry up so I can ovulate & try again. My miscarriage devastated us. Here is a picture of my test I took this morning. It does look lighter than before but I never used this test during my actual pregnancy. Thank you guys in advance 💗