Long read but please read

I need your insight on how yall would react to this...

So my boyfriend has been laid off, I've been working from home. We live in a small town, no current cases but there are some in the towns near us and the province all over. I havnt seen anyone. My family lives in the city so, I've seen my brother once. He had to deliver my baby stuff he ordered and my boyfriend and I had a social distancing coffee outside a parking lot with him.

Since this whole pandemic started my boyfriend and I have gotten into plenty of arguments about not seeing people or going over to peoples houses. He thinks its stupid and just a whole government plot to control people, blah blah blah. This week alone weve had 3 arguments about it, one because he lied too me about where he went. I've explained to him over and over again that ya he may not get any symptoms or may not be a big deal if he gets it. But I'm 33weeks pregnant & already have a weaker immune system. if I get it I'm the one who will suffer from it & potentially harm our baby. He said okay I get it.

SO yesterday, my friends from the city had to drop stuff off for baby. They've both been self isolating at home. They came by, we had a fire outside with the chairs set up about 8 feet apart from us. No one came in the house, no one touched etc. This is the second time I've seen family or friends or even had human interaction (besides my boyfriend) since the middle of march.

So then my boyfriends friend wants to come over for a social distancing beer. He was already wasted and at another friends house and they wanted to come, so I said no, you can go there for a beer as long as you follow the 6 feet apart and stay outside. He said ya babe obviously I'm just going for a drink & will be back.

So I showered threw my clothes in the wash and got ready foe bed. 2 hours later I get a snap from his friend that hes at. THEY ARE INSIDE DRINKING and my boyfriend was in the video too.

I told him not to come home. And he didnt.

This morning he texts me saying he was in there to go to the bathroom and made up an excuse as to why he was in the video. When I told him that wasnt what was in the video he made up another excuse.

I'm pissed & thinking about going to stay with a friend in the city for a little while.

What would your guys response be? He thinks I'm over reacting and I definitely dont think I am.