3 weeks late, can I still be pregnant


Let me give you abit of information first

So I was told about a year ago that I have pcos but since that diagnosis my period has been so regular, like dead on or a day or 2 late. But my last period was on March 2nd and I still have not had my period! I’ve taken pregnancy test but only the cheap ones that I already had and all have been negatives.

What could the problem be? Do you think it’s got something to do with this pandemic? Like the stress and daily routine changed abit?

I just want my period to come already so I can start trying again 😔

Another thing to add is I have had mild cramps as if my period was coming like a week or 2 ago. Also I have been having a lot more discharge than usual like a slight tint of yellow?

Is anyone else having this problem or is there something wrong with me?

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