Considering Switching Birth Controls


I am currently taking a birth control pill, believe it's what you call a mini pill. I have been on it for 5 years this year. my SO and I had a conversation about when we want kids and he'd like to wait another couple/few years. I know the internet likes to say that its a myth that you don't decrease in fertility the longer you're using hormonal BC but I'm concerned it will and don't want to take the chance. I have my first appointment with a gyn May 13th, I know, I definitely should have been going already. I have family history of multiple reproductive cancers and it's a very good possibility I have endometriosis as well (one of my friends that has it believes I also do because we share the same symptoms, mine may even be worse than hers she says). My current thought is that I switch to something that I don't have to take everyday as I am quite tired of taking a pill every day even though it clearly works for me (I know that's not a good reason to stop itself). I have looked into an iud as an option and not sure how I feel about it. Can anyone give me some insight and advice? Anything and of course I will be talking to the gyn about it as well everything will help. If you have any questions for me, ask and I'll answer with the best of my ability. Thank you all in advance.