I think I should break up with my boyfriend but I feel guilty


So my bf and i have been dating for 4 years. We were sixteen when we started going out. He’s been my first for almost everything and it’s been great growing up with him and it was awesome going through high school together. We’re very close friends and I’m very thankful for the friendship we have beyond our relationship

However, now we’re in our second year of university and we’ve been doing long distance for the past 2 years. Lately I’ve been feeling like we’re going in different directions. I have a completely different outlook on life, school, friends, and relationships than I did when we first started dating but I feel like when never I try to explain that to him he assumes I’m joking because it’s very different than the person I was four years ago. It feels like he sees me the same way he did when he were sixteen but I am not the same person.

Because of this, we haven’t been talking as much since I feel like I have to try and be that old me when I speak to him so our conversations suck and when I try and tell him something I think is interesting or a funny story he seems very disinterested or makes a comment that bothers me. Since we haven’t been talking as much I’ve begun to feel single again and emotionally detached from the relationship which is when I knew it was time to end things.

I’m struggling because he’s a great person and he hasn’t done anything wrong I’m just very different than how I was when we started dating and he doesn’t quite see that. I feel guilty breaking up with him for doing nothing but I don’t feel like I’m “in” the relationship anymore and I don’t think I can give him as much emotionally as he deserves.

Do you think I’m doing the right thing?