Having a rough go

Anyone else just freaking exhausted and worn out? Having to be on lock down has taken its toll. I worked part time before so it was nice to get out and have some alone/adult time. But now it’s me, hubby and our little one 24/7 and it’s wearing on me. My husband is great and thankfully can work from home. My son is stuck to me

Like white on rice. He had become very attached to me. I adore him to the ends of the earth but I am tired. I am still breastfeeding, he still wakes up usually once at night, he’s teething, so I just feel like there aren’t any breaks. I wanted to wean before corona hit, but now I just feel personally its good to continue for him. But it is tough. He wants me to hold him, he climbs on me when I’m trying to cook/clean. My husband comes in and takes over and he can keep him busy for a few but then he just wants me again. He’s a great baby, I don’t want to send off the wrong impression. I just keep hearing people say it gets easier, and I’m over here like whennnnnnn?

Ok just needed to rant I guess.