Trying not to get my hopes up...

Karson • RN TTC #2

So I found out I was pregnant in late February, and had a miscarriage around 5/6w. My tests were never super dark or dye Stealers, but I got a few “yes+” and good frer lines. I bled the first week of March and haven’t had a period since. My ovulation dates were a little sketchy as I only had one positive test, (my testing was a little inconsistent and I assumed I caught myself at the end of my surge) and assumed we were out for this month. I waited for Flo to show, started having some light cramping and tender nipples. She never showed. A week after she should’ve showed I decided to take a test, which yielded a vvvvvfl. Fast forward to today (0156 est) and I’ve got this guy. I’m trying not to be too excited. I got excited a little early just before I lost the last one. It’s difficult but I feel like it’s better protection, at least until I get through the first appointment! Moms with prior chemicals or loss, any advice? This is the darkest my lines have ever been on a cheapie...