Gender reveal fuss.. help??


So today I went and found out what my s/o and I our having, (it’s a boy). His mother insisted we not find out, just because everyone would appreciate our honest reaction, and we ordered gender reveal stuff. Well, my boyfriend and I decided to find out just because why not, now only his sister knows so she can help plan the reveal. (This is his parents first grandchild, and theyre super excited) I figured it would be fun to do it a different way. I had something planned for my mother and younger sister I would’ve done later today if all had went according to plan.

I told my father, since he probably won’t be able to make it to the reveal party, and he accidentally told my mother. My mother freaked out on me and him because I told him first over her. And she claims I’ve taken that from her. And she means nothing because I didn’t tell her first. I feel like I’ve never been close to my mom at all, I tend to find myself annoyed by her over anything else, and this has been my entire life. (She wasn’t with me while I was 2-4 and had a past with substances probably until I was eight or more.)

I ended up freaking out after I hear he had told her on accident and she was going off on a tangent of how she means nothing and this and that and I eventually sobbed on the way to the grocery store.

Am I wrong for telling my father first or does it even matter since everyone is going to find out regardless. She genuinely upset me, and even went as far as posting it on Facebook this is the exact post:

“When I was young a pregnant, my mother was the first one I told what I was having except for her father!

😥oh well I must not be worthy enough hope all has a great life”