mom won’t listen

I wrote about this a few weeks ago how i wasn’t sure who was gonna be in the delivery room due to corona.

I’m a teen mom and i’m due in 2 days. Today I told my mom that she wouldnt be in the room while i’m delivering because they only allow one person due to the virus. I had already told her this before but she just ignored it. I want my boyfriend to be there because yes we are together and yes this is OUR baby and i also only feel comfortable with him being there. However my mom literally screamed at me telling me that i dont know anything and that i’m a minor and she needs to make decisions. I told her i wasn’t comfortable with her being there and i don’t want HER making decisions for MY body. I still dont understand how she doesn’t get this isn’t about her. She didn’t want me on birth control because she said SHE wasn’t ready to accept the fact that i was sexually active now here we are and she continues to try and control these things. I talked to my doctor and she had told me it was okay and that the nurses would kick her out if they needed to. I’m just annoyed at the fact that she LITERALLY yelled and screamed at me for not wanting her there. I want this to be about my boyfriend and myself bonding with our daughter not her! she doesn’t get it isn’t about her. She’s mad because i don’t want her taking decisions for me to begin with she doesn’t want me even getting the epidural simply because SHE WANTS ME TO FEEL THE PAIN SAME WAY SHE AND MY SISTER DID. I’m losing my mind over this and she doesn’t seem to care about how i feel. Not to mention she told me shit about how apparently i “think i know everything because of my phone” she complains about me texting on my phone but she ALSO complains about me doing ACTUAL RESEARCH to be the best mom possible for my baby. i don’t understand how that’s wrong. She says she’s taking me to the hospital and that we’d pick up my boyfriend when the time comes but i’m starting to feel like she’s just lying to me. I’m even considering just having my boyfriends mom take me and him because i know my mom will cause a scene and try and pull some shit like this when i’m about to have my baby. She asked for my doctors number is there any way she could end up being there? this whole situation is so stressful and i’m so over it i just need her to f off at this point

not to mention my sister also texted me telling me about how my mom should be the one there😒 they’re both getting in my nerves please help