

So in February I miscarried it was hard on me everything had worked like clock work. The 15th I babydanced not knowing the 16th I would ovulate since it was only day 8 of my cycle. Then I missed my period tested days 3 and 5 with neg results the 6th day I got a positive blood test day 10 missed period I miscarried. Exactly a month after same day I have what I assume was my period.

Now the dates and all do not add up as we decided to wait until June to try again rhanks to covid and not really wanting a holidays birthing experience. I am now on day 8 missed period having tested the 3rd 5th and 6th days with BFN and can't get blood work done .

I hate my body some days from the fact I have pcos and hypothyroidism to the newly acquired diabetes. And my unique uterus that is unicornuate with only one fallopian tube. My thyroid was fluctuating and probably caused the miscarriage in Feb. And now the medication increase might be messing with my cycle making me hope for what isn't even there.