Negative test...again


My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a little while now and it’s just not working for us.

I just got another negative test this morning and I’m feeling so sad because I thought that this would be the time....f**k me for thinking that, right?🙃

Anyway, I was just talking to my family and my sister was bringing up random food and I mentioned “oh yeah for some reason for the past few months I haven’t liked tomatoes” and immediately my two sisters yell “you’re pregnant, I know it!” They say this almost everyday...even when I tell them cycle wise it wouldn’t even be possible. Long story short I made up an excuse to get out of the conversation and now I’m back in bed crying.

I know they all mean well but it’s like a shot to the heart. I am trying everything I can to do this one thing my body is supposed to do and I can’t🙃

I felt like I needed to post this somewhere so here we are. What a wild rollercoaster ride this is