aches, pains, creaks and groans 👵🏻

Brenna • 🌈👶🏼💙🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

9m pp and i never expected that my body would be like this.

i don’t just mean my weight/figure (forget about it! 😩), i’m talking about the toll this whole thing has taken on me.

my knees are awful, my pelvis and lower back clunk and pop all the time since having SPD whilst pregnant, my shoulder is sore half the time. these things are made worse by the fact i’m 30lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight, and i can’t do what i would normally do to lose weight (running and kettlebells) because i hurt so much!

anyone else just feel like their bodies are broken? 😞

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Posted at
Also... I thought it would be a good idea to get some high-waisted jeans because A) the younguns are wearing them and B) I figured the high waist would help bring in my mom pooch. Turns out mom jeans only look good on people who are not moms 🤦‍♀️


Brenna • Apr 23, 2020
good to know! i nearly bought some high waisted jeans for the same reason! 😭


Samantha • Apr 23, 2020
I find this too. Unless it’s a reallllly stiff denim to hold it all in tight, it just makes my cesarean pouch look bigger 😩


Posted at
I am very fortunate that I am feeling better than I was. I’ve always had lower back problems but everything was heightened after baby. Everything from pain in my feet and ankles, every joint seemed to crack any time I moved, and even numbness in my fingers, backs of my hands, and feet. It’s not 100% better yet, but I’m definitely feeling a difference. I’ve been going to the chiropractor and trying to fit in some yoga a few times a week. There are tons of free videos on YouTube.


Posted at
Oh my god this is me! I thought I was the only one!!! Ugh, thank god you posted this! Ive been feeling down on my body all day, and I couldn’t give a toot about the “baby body,” I just want to be able to bend again! I also had SPD, and SI joint problems, bad Diastasis Recti. After giving birth I got snapping hip and a Hip labral tear. It’s awful; someone I read said it took 2.5 years for things to adjust to a new normal. So, your body doesn’t go back to the way it was, it just better adjusts for what you have now. 😩


Brenna • Apr 23, 2020
i never heard about SI joint problems until recently, and i totally think that’s my problem! i got told i had spd when pregnant so kinda just accepted it and got on with it. i didn’t realise i would still have problems after giving birth! no one told me!


Posted at
I feel the exact same. I've started working out again and it's not been as bad as I thought it would be with all my aches lol. Invest in collagen. I swear I can feel the difference. It's helped my joints so much. Please give it some thought. I just add it to my morning coffee.


Posted at
Same. Everything clicks and cracks. Especially my knees. I’ve had ongoing issues with my feet including plantar fasciitis and achilles tendonitis - I assume from the weight gain during pregnancy. My tummy looks like a deflated old balloon. Zero confidence


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My hips and knees make so many noises my husband is always like what was that lol