Comparing charts


Sooo I’m trying not to read too much into this but yet here I am posting about it 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️.

I’ve been temping everyday since the beginning of January. My cycles are pretty predictable and temps seem to follow the same patterns every month. This month though my LP temps are very different. I had a dip at 6dpo (I know implantation dips aren’t technically a thing and that you can’t look at temps individually) and my temp has stayed a little higher since then? I’m honestly trying SO HARD not to get my hopes up but it’s not working 😬.

Am I crazy for comparing my charts every month? Does anyone else do this? Can I possibly get excited for a bfp?

Here’s my overlay... current cycle is orange. The high purple temps after ovulation I had a cold. Other than that nothing has changed at all.

Am I looking too far into this and it’s just a normal fluctuation of temps?