Seeing if anyone had similar

Tayla • 2 miscarriages, just conceived our rainbow 🌈 due 10/02

So I got my peak smiley of clear blue at 1:30pm on the 21st cycle day 14. It’s still solid today 23rd at 9:30 which I expect as it’s 48hours after.

I’ve been using the opk strip tests aswel as they are cheaper, I use clear blue to confirm.

I didn’t get a chance to use cheap test the same time I got my solid, after after drinking a bit that afternoon / night. My strip test showed a low result the same day I got my solid 🤷🏼‍♀️

Yesterday the 22nd I got my peak on strip and today it’s still high.

However my fertile Cm started the 18/19th died off a little on the 21st to watery like which I would have thought was ovulation nearing. But yesterday afternoon and this morning I’ve had quite a bit of egg white Cm.

I’m stumped !!!!

Any advice on my ovulation day ??

We’ve baby danced the 18th, 20th and 21st and will again tonight