HELP....Trying to conceive with PCOS

Meme • Married💍 • 35 • Pregnant baby# 1 🤱🏽

Hello all, I’m almost 36 and I came off depo after being on it for 15 years. I’ve been off depo for 17 months. Since coming off depo my cycles have still not regulated, so we don’t know if I’m ovulating. Me and my husband have been trying to conceive naturally for 17 months,. We’ve been using OPK’s, fertile tea, evening primrose oil, preseed, softcups, etc.. My gyn suggested for me to have an HSG test, I did results were normal and my husband have a semen analysis and his results were normal as well. We were then referred to a Fertility specialist and after one visit told I have a retroverted uterus and PCOS. We were still planning to try naturally with the Fertility doc and said we would be prescribe Letrozole to induce ovulation. After another 10 run-around appointments saying the same thing back and forth, the day I have my labs done and am suppose to get the Letrozole prescription they call me to tell me they are unable to prescribe the medicine due to the Covid crisis and are closed. My heart sunk, we both work for airlines and are now more than likely going to be laid off and will loose our insurance coverage and won’t be able to see the fertility doc when they do open. It seems I’m aging out and we are praying to be blessed with a child. Does anyone know of any doctors in Georgia willing to do tele-medicine so I can get a prescription? Please send pics, recommend any supplements or things to help me ovulate. Sending Baby dust to you all! 😘